McBride Community Forest


Who We Are

The McBride Community Forest Corporation (MCFC) signed a long-term CFA on February 28, 2007.

This agreement grants MCFC exclusive rights to harvest Crown timber from approximately 60,000 ha surrounding the community of McBride. MCFC is solely owned by the Village of McBride.

McBride Community Forest operates with a 50,000 cubic meter annual allowable cut. There are numerous species in our forests including spruce, balsam, pine, hemlock, cedar, Douglas fir, aspen, birch and cottonwood.

Mission Statement

The long-term vision of the McBride Community Forest Corporation is to serve the social, environmental, and economic needs of the community. In general terms, we will sustainably manage the forest for all of its potential rather than just timber.

Board of Directors

MCFC has 7 seats available on the board which is appointed by the Village of McBride as directed by MCFC Articles of Incorporation.

Board Governance Framework and Policy – Rev 2020-04-09

Community Support and Grants

We are grateful for our community groups and organizations and the great services and opportunities they provide!

Some of the yearly donations available from MCFC to the community have been:
The Recreation Partnership Agreement, Grad Scholarships, Pioneer Days and Logger Sports, McBride Community Sport Association Insurance.

To apply, submit a written request from any community group, club or not-for-profit organization for support and grant consideration.

2023 Community Donations, Clubs & Events

We are grateful for our community groups and organizations and the great services and opportunities they provide! In 2023, McBride Community Forest was happy to have financially supported the following groups:
McBride Sports Association, McBride Secondary Boys Basketball, McBride Minor Hockey, Pioneer Days and the Logger Games, McBride Elks/Royal Purple, Robson Valley Search & Rescue, Backcountry Horsemen, Royal Canadian Legion, Teare Mountain Wildfire support, McBride Secondary School Hot Lunch Program, Dunster Schoolhouse Fundraiser, McBride Secondary School Grad Bursary award and the Rec Sites & Trails Maintenance Partnership agreement
totaling $47,279

2022 Community Donations, Clubs & Events

We are grateful for our community groups and organizations and the great services and opportunities they provide! In 2022, McBride Community Forest was happy to have financially supported the following groups:
McBride Sports Association, McBride Secondary Boys Basketball, Farmer’s Institute, Pioneer Days and the Logger Games, McBride Curling Club, Yellowhead Ski Club, Backcountry Horsemen, Royal Canadian Legion, BRKH (community bench donation), McBride Secondary School Grad Bursary award and the Rec Sites & Trails Maintenance Partnership agreement
totaling $35,231

Community Forest Gallery

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