McBride Community Forest

Caution Logging Trucks on Mountain View Road, McBride, BC

Caution on Mountain View Rd

Please exercise additional caution on Mountainview Road. With the rainy weather, logging operations were delayed and there is a higher number of trucks hauling off Mountainview over the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience and care. Logging operations will begin on lower Lucille as early as the end of November and continue […]


Supply Deal with BKB

MCFC is pleased to announce that a 10-year supply deal has been entered into with BKB. We are happy to continue our commitment to supply as much fiber as possible to our local mills and are pleased to support a company like BKB, who provides industry and employment to many within our community.


2023 Community Support and Grants

We are grateful for our community groups and organizations and the great services and opportunities they provide! In 2023, McBride Community Forest was happy to have financially supported the following groups: McBride Sports Association, McBride Secondary Boys Basketball, McBride Minor Hockey, Pioneer Days and the Logger Games, McBride Elks/Royal Purple, Robson Valley Search & Rescue,

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