The McBride Community Forest Corporation (MCFC) is establishing a Select List of prequalified Contractors and Suppliers specializing in Mechanical Brushing, who may be invited to participate in subsequent direct invitation or select invitation solicitations on upcoming contracts and/or projects specific to road brushing for silviculture activities.  Only prequalified contractors will be invited to participate on these contract solicitations. 

The purpose of this pre-qualification is to establish a Select List of eligible contractors who are most suitable and available to compete, at a later date, on the described project or activities.  The Select List is being established for use on more than one contract competition, so the MCFC reserves the right to select contractors to compete on a rotational basis.

New contractors may be added to the Select List at any time throughout the year and will be evaluated in the same manner as contractors already on the list. The MCFC does not guarantee evaluation and resulting short-listing of contractors wishing to compete on issued tenders.

Submission of a response does not guarantee inclusion on a resulting select list of prequalified

contractors. The MCFC reserves the right to limit the number of prequalified contractors invited to compete on a subsequent contract. Contractors submitting responses will receive fair and uniform treatment and submissions will be given due consideration.

Contractors interested in being evaluated for inclusion on the Select List are invited to submit a response with the Desirable Criteria:

  1. Resume containing education, relevant employment history, skills, designations and references, show that Locally based, Demonstrate/outline Service Area Expertise
  2. Fee rate(s) (Hourly and/or day – including equipment)
  3. Limited Liability Insurance (with Forest Fire Endorsement of $5,000,000 and MCFC as additional insured), Worksafe BC, SAFE Certified (or demonstrate that can be obtained if needed).

Please note that this advertisement and the information provided is for viewing purposes only and is not an Official Invitation to Tender.   

Shaughnessy Clausen, 250-981-9634 (text or call)